Welcome to Samverkan mot brott (SAMBO) and Neighbourhood Watch – The original since 1985.
It is an effective method of reducing what is known as everyday crime, reducing the risk of burglaries by an average of 36 %, according to the Collaboration against crime (SAMBO) and Malmö University.
A Neighbourhood Watch is intended to make residential areas less attractive for criminal activity through increased monitoring by local residents and knowledge of how to protect your home, which deters burlgars and makes things more difficult for them.
This site features information on how to start and maintain a Neighbourhood Watch and how to protect yourself against burglaries. The materials needed to get started are provided by the police, who participate in starting up local Neighbourhood Watch groups.
The videos below describe Neighbourhood Watches and how to start your own. In addition, there are several prevention videos that describe how to secure your home by taking measures to deter thieves such as good certified locks, doors and alarms.